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Open 11 to 6 Monday through Saturday. Closing for Xmas end of Saturday Dec 18th. Reopening sometime in early January still figuring out when. SCADS of new titles on the shelves this week.
The 4th was kind of wild – still, a reminder why I don’t drink at work. We’ll just leave that there. Slashing even our sale price: this weekend we encourage you to take home all you can from our to-be-temporarily-terminated Non-Fiction and History sections. The books are going for 50 pesos each. And a reminder […]
First of all, want to share the news that our forthcoming move and expansion has been further set back by the city’s slide from green to yellow semáforo. We can’t move if we can’t get into any of the places we’d consider moving to. So our hours are going to be just Saturdays and Sundays, […]